Sanima and Habitat for Humanity International Promote the Development of Dignified and Safe Housing in Peru

Over the last 20 years, cities in Peru have grown by 50% above the Latin American average. This growth has been 93% informal (social housing supply represents only 1% of the total) and has been characterized by the settlement of people in peripheral areas without urban planning: without property titles, basic services, or infrastructure (Espinoza & Fort, 2020).

Furthermore, the lack of professional advice and insufficient resources in the owner - driven construction process are common problems that jeopardize the investment and safety of families. For these households, there are no public, safe, and sustainable sanitation alternatives, so most of them resort to using pits or latrines, causing severe harm to their health, well-being, and the environment.

In light of these issues and the points of synergy, Habitat for Humanity International and Sanima are joining forces to improve living conditions in communities, focusing on those without basic water and sewerage services. Through joint initiatives, they will promote access to dignified and safe housing, the creation of healthier spaces, and the improvement of living conditions through Container-Based Sanitation (CBS) services.

Habitat for Humanity International is an NGO founded over 40 years ago, with a presence in more than 70 countries worldwide. Through its Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter in Peru, it leads the generation of strategies within the owner - driven housing market to provide access to dignified shelter for millions of families. However, a significant challenge is how to create conditions for dignified shelter in areas where there is still no public provision of water or sewerage. Faced with this challenge, they found a key ally in Sanima.

Sanima is a Peruvian organization pioneering Container-Based Sanitation (CBS) services in South America, recognized by the UN as a safe alternative for households in urban human settlements that are not yet connected to the public water and sewerage network. Currently, more than 7,500 people use this service, significantly reducing health risks and environmental contamination.

The partnership between Habitat for Humanity International and Sanima has been formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with an initial duration of three years. This collaboration will also allow for the exchange of experiences and knowledge, the identification of opportunities for the development of public policy proposals, and knowledge management, among other valuable actions.

Learn more about these organizations:

Reference Source:

Espinoza, A. & R. Fort (2020). Mapping and Typology of Urban Expansion in Peru. Lima: GRADE; ADI. Available at:

Publicado en June 18, 2024
