Sanima Visits CBSA Partners in Nairobi

As part of the final phase of the "Scaling Off-Grid Sanitation Solutions" project, Sanima conducted an exchange visit with the organizations SOIL and Fresh Life, which are also members of the Container Based Sanitation Alliance (CBSA) and implement Container-Based Sanitation (CBS) in Haiti and Kenya, respectively.

The meeting, held in Nairobi, Kenya, included the participation of Arturo Llaxacondor, General Manager of Sanima; Milagros Arcos, Operations Manager of Sanima; Nick Penetra, Operations Manager of SOIL; and Polycarp Sifuna, User Support and Credit Manager of Fresh Life.

In addition to sharing their experiences with CBS in Peru, Haiti, and Kenya, the team visited Fresh Life’s facilities in Nairobi to gain a close-up view of their operations. They also had the opportunity to observe the work of Regen Organics, a company that, along with Fresh Life, is part of The Sanergy Collaborative. Regen Organics processes waste from the CBS service along with food waste to transform it into innovative products such as animal feed, plant fertilizers, and briquettes for generating heat.

The "Scaling Off-Grid Sanitation Solutions" project aimed to understand the challenges, demands, and issues related to access to water and sanitation in Peru, Haiti, South Africa, and Kenya, for both users and non-users of the CBS service.

Publicado en March 1, 2024
