Sanima provides its service in over 240 human settlements in Metropolitan Lima, whose population has been demanding their rights to water, sanitation, and decent housing for many years.
All the streets you see here are handmade, through communal efforts, all families participated.
The lack of basic water and sanitation services provision occurs within a broader context of housing supply crisis and rapid urban growth, generating complex social, political, and economic processes. In the last 20 years, cities in Peru have grown by 50%, which is above the Latin American average (30%). Moreover, this growth has been 93% informal, meaning it has occurred without planning, property titles, or basic infrastructure.
Human settlements are a fundamental part of the recent history, present, and future of our cities. At Sanima, we want to be an ally in the struggle for the right to decent housing and the provision of quality services for the entire population.
Learn more about community work in Pamplona Alta:
In these 20 years, quite a lot has been achieved thanks to the effort and work of the families who live here
At Sanima, we recognize and support the ongoing work of communal organizations to demand their rights to water, sanitation, and housing.