Sanima was part of the “Dialogues for a Sustainable Peru” at Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)

Sanima’s experience providing Container-Based Sanitation (CBS) service was shared in PUCP’s "Safe and Sustainable Housing and Sanitation" session. Sanima was invited to share its expertise in the area of sustainable sanitation alongside key leaders and agency representatives in "Management Dialogues for a Sustainable Peru," an event on August 24, 2023, organized by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).  The purpose of this event was to reflect on the agenda that should be promoted by both public and private organizations to contribute to the sustainability of cities, in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. The dialogue sessions featured prominent leaders and representatives. The first session focused on "Circular Economy and Solid Waste Management" and featured the distinguished participation of Kaylin Rengifo, former Peruvian Director of Environmental Supervision in Productive Activities at OEFA; Dayana Gutiérrez, leader of the Experience Area at SINBA; and Paloma Roldán, Director of Sustainable City. Sanima took part in the second dialogue session centered on "Safe and Sustainable Housing and Sanitation". During this session, Sanima highlighted the sanitation challenges in Lima and Pamplona Alta, presenting its experience in implementing the Container-Based Sanitation (CBS) service. Emphasis was placed on advocating for new, safe, and sustainable sanitation solutions to ensure universal access to water and sanitation. Arturo Llaxacondor, General Manager of Sanima, stated: "Now more than ever, it is crucial to seek sustainable and scalable solutions, so we aspire to have the CBS technology, implemented by Sanima, transcend and become an alternative for the entire country. To achieve this, support from various organizations, including the government, is essential.” The session also featured Elizabeth Añaños, former Deputy Minister of Housing and Urbanism, and Laly Balta, Head of Architecture and Finishes at BESCO S.A.C.

Publicado en November 17, 2023
