LIMA – After overcoming the obstacles of 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic,the ninth anniversary of our operations has arrived. Nine years have gone by since we first installed 10 dry, off-grid toilets in homes in southern Lima as part of an initial pilot under the name of x-runner. Over the years, x-runner has grown to be an internationally recognized organisation that currently manages the operations of more than 750 off-grid toilets, using a method called “Container-Based Sanitation”. CBS, as it is known, is one of the only interventions globally that fully complies with the definition for ‘safely managed’ household sanitation articulated in the UN's Sustainable Development Goal #6. This technology is available around the globe but, to date, we are the only entity implementing this innovative solution at scale in all of South America. Although there is much we have accomplished, we still have a long way to go. Still in 2021, not only do 25% of the population in Peru not have safe sanitation in their homes, but according to the World Bank Group, the global pandemic is set to cause over 1,4% of the world's population to fall into extreme poverty. That will surely require a lot of effort and hard work. In that spirit, we decided to renew our energy with a new, and unified identity that will help convey our message to everyone interested in building a more fair and just playing field in Peru. That’s why after nine years, we are happy to announce that x-runner is now Sanima. This is the official beginning to an even greater commitment to our mission and purpose of providing safe sanitation to thousands of people who are still not provided safe and reliable water and sanitation. The Sanima brand represents the flexibility and responsibility of all our efforts over these last nine years. It means taking the next step and understanding that our mission is getting bigger and more ambitious without losing the sensitivity and the sincere desire to improve the quality of life of Peruvians. The arrow embedded in the Sanima “S” speaks to our past progress and the positive changes that lie ahead. We are confident that this next phase will allow us to fulfill our goals and change the lives of even more Peruvians, offering them an affordable, high quality and sustainable service that revolutionizes the provision of sanitation access in complex geographical regions where traditional sewerage is simply not an option for people.